Using Expressions

The following menu is available by right-clicking in the Edit Column Expression window:

In addition to using items in the menu, expressions can be written manually. Expressions can also contain user-defined values and special operators.

User-Defined Values
User-defined values may be used within expressions to be compared against column values.  String values should be enclosed within single quotes (').  Date values should be enclosed within pound signs (#).  Decimals and scientific notation are permissible for numeric values.  For example:

AreaName = 'OWI'
Price <= 50.00
StartDate < #1/31/05#

For columns that contain enumeration values, cast the values to an integer data type.  

For example: EnumColumn = 5

Concatenation is allowed using Boolean, AND, OR, and NOT operators.  You can use parentheses to group clauses and force precedence.
The AND operator has precedence over other operators.  For example:(AreaName = 'OWI' OR AreaName = 'IDSo') AND FuelName = 'HenryHub'

 Computational Datasets

 Working With CDS Tables

Using Expressions

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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